Tuesday, 18 February 2014

The year so far.

After returning from a wonderful holiday home, what have I been doing? I'm not quite sure of the answer. It seems I have to look back in my calendar and photos for updates. Haha.

1. My first breakdance showcase

I performed with my friends at a little bar for a New Year's party that came a little late. January 8, we danced 2 sets sprinkled amongst various bands at "Easy Goings". I had just come back on the Monday, so I had no rehearsal, didn't even know the music. Luckily I was just doing freestyle sets, by myself! Ahhhh.

This is the sign for the party, my group is "Mountain Crew". 

It was really fun to dance with my boys, and the crowd was friendly, I think it was mostly colleagues of a few of my friends.

2. 1 year post-op check up and MRI number 2

I went for my 1 year post-op check up and apparently everything is good. My surgeon is leaving in May to go to England for two years to study breast cancer. I think he was sad to leave me ;p

Number 2 MRI probably should have come a lot sooner... Oh well. My knee is the next subject for round 2 of hospital experiences. The doctor I saw was pretty unhelpful, except for procuring an MRI for me. That was good. So I went to another doctor (by myself!!!!) and navigated a new hospital, alone. This new doctor suspects a lateral meniscus tear. I am now undergoing "conservative treatment" that includes another new hospital experience- rehabili (or as we would call it, physio). My first appointment was majorly focused on my tight hips and included lots of very close encounters with a young, male, halfway cute physiotherapist... 

Now I'm learning anatomy in Japanese. There is a bright side to it all!

3. Futsal etc

I continue to play futsal with the junior high and high school boys. I think they're more comfortable now, because they play more physically. I'm happy but at the same time, I still think I'm weird.

I went and watched the special needs school's soccer team in their tournament. I watched 2 games, which they lost, but they played so well with only 5 players instead of 7. Their opponents had a full team of 7 players, subs and goalies. It was fun. I want to get involved in something like that as a volunteer activity. 

There's the kids warming up :)

4. My third years are graduating soon!!

One of my students gave this to me. Full of memories from the past year. I'll miss them :(

5. Snow!!! 

This is snow #1!

The next day. Dangerously icy stairs down from the overpass. This is what happens in a place that isn't prepared for snow.

Snow #2. This snow storm was the biggest snow storm in 10 years! That's all the news would talk about. There was hours and hours of footage of snow and people walking in the snow with umbrellas. It was a fair amount, but it was by no means newsworthy. 

Snow #3: Valentine's Day. This was actually quite a crazy snow storm. It snowed all night! The snow was almost a metre deep in places. The next day, I had an appointment so I made my way out, it was windy and pouring, but still cold enough that the snow wasn't melting fast. The streets and sidewalks were just giant ice puddles. I got soaked in minutes. Good thing I had my typhoon boots. I ended up having to cancel my appointment because my train line was not running. It wasn't running normally by Monday, either. Stupid JR.

6. Momo and the Onsen!

My friend from Vancouver came back to Japan for a week. I got to see her and we went to an Onsen in Gunma, near her grandparents' house. After the Onsen we went to her grandparents' house for dinner. It was a lot of fun :) 

Before the Onsen, in our private room. 

Old timey Onsen snacks. Very "natsukashii" for the girls I was with :) Natsukashii means something like nostalgic. 

Our private bath. So nice!

Oden at the grandparents' house. Oden is a Japanese winter food consisting of fish cakes, daikon, konnyaku, eggs, seaweed, and other things simmered for a long time in a savoury broth. It's soooo yummy and perfect for the cold winter nights.

Momo serving up the oden. 

Delicious broccoli and tomato dish made by Momo's grandma. Yummmmm. 

It was a lovely time. 

That's about it up until the present. There have been other things, I just don't have photos from them, for example surfing. 

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